Although classical thermal machines power industries and modern living, quantum thermal engines have yet to prove their utility. Here, we demonstrate a useful quantum absorption refrigerator formed from superconducting circuits. We use it to cool a transmon qubit to a temperature lower than that achievable with any one available bath, thereby resetting the qubit to an initial state suitable for quantum computing. The process is driven by a thermal gradient and is autonomous, requiring no external feedback. The refrigerator exploits an engineered three-body interaction between the target qubit and two auxiliary qudits. Each auxiliary qudit is coupled to a physical heat bath, realized with a microwave waveguide populated with synthesized quasithermal radiation. If the target qubit is initially fully excited, its effective temperature reaches a steady-state level of approximately 22 mK, lower than what can be achieved by existing state-of-the-art reset protocols. Our results demonstrate that superconducting circuits with propagating thermal fields can be used to experimentally explore quantum thermodynamics and apply it to quantum information-processing tasks.